
What is Quantum Computing?

  If you think Quantum Mechanics sounds challenging, then you are not alone. All of our intuitions are based on day-to-day experiences and so better at understanding the behaviour of balls and bananas than understanding the behaviour of atoms and electrons. Though quantum objects seem to be random and chaotic at first, they just follow a set of rules, which are different from our regular physics i.e Newtonian Physics or Classical physics. Once we know these set of rules, we can build new and powerful technologies. Quantum Computing is one of them, revolutionary technology. So, What is Quantum Computing? By the definition, Quantum Computing is a computational process that leverages upon specific quantum properties like Quantum Superposition and Quantum Entanglement to perform computation. Gone over head ? No worries we will get into it in a simpler way!   To understand the Quantum Computing lets first understand how a classical Computing works.   What do think, the following image sho